I need help, I’m reaching rock bottom.

Good job, its a big step into the right direction, really nice man

You need more experience, it will be easier then

Basically night time is dangerous, being tired is dangerous. Your resistance is much lesser at those times and you might end up letting it snowball into allowing yourself stay up too long, or eat too much junk food in turn making you feel much worse tomorrow and making it harder to make yourself do the right thing

By experience I meant that, once you go through this cycle multiple times, you'll have it easier convincing yourself that this is just a phase, that this is just emotions passing by. (because they are, but when feeling down, its hard to believe that).

Anyway this isn't a one day or one week process, but as long as you continue on this, it will work. We are our thoughts after all, and as we all know changing our mind/opinion takes a bit of time

Just keep in mind that you are at your weakest during those times, and those thoughts/emotions are enemies trying to bring you down to their level. Dont fight them, just let it go and go to sleep. Its not different from dealing with trolls/harassers online

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