I need help making this conversation seem more natural

Agree with the approaches vs drift, though I think he was right to get rid of the adverb. I'd probably keep "approaches".

> Richard approaches. "Hey."

I think it works better than "approaching me slowly" because it's a bit more active?

IMO the rest of his edit reads better - sorry.

In your original:

> I respond, holding onto the punching bag

This seems clumsy to me, not only the respond but holding the punching bag... is he holding it still? The visual isn't clear.

> “No problem,” I smirk. ”I’m sorry too.”

Smirk doesn't work as a dialogue tag.

> “Not in front of Mike, at least,” I respond, shaking it.
Weird to use I respond at all, let along a second time.

On the attempt to rewrite it from the guy above, I really like this line in particular vs the original:

> I pause, then reach around the bag to shake it. “Not in front of Mike, at least.”

It puts the drama at the end, where it should be, and there's a bit more consistency with the fact he's holding a bag and then shaking a hand.

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