I need help please..

Yeah there’s many different levels of furries. The General basis is people that like anthros (animals with a more human disposition). They range from people who just enjoy anthros and enjoy seeing the art— they may have a fursona for themself— and then there’s more involved furs who have a fur suit and may go to cons—

Furs sadly got really bad publicity for a while and media made people think that furs were all just about getting together in animal costumes and having orgies. Which isn’t the case— remember that even if your friend is a fur— that doesn’t change who they are— let them know it doesn’t matter if they’re a fur cuz you’re still their friend, and if they do seem bothered about it getting brought up— as some people are closeted about it worried about others finding out and projecting the negative image upon them, then just drop it— as at the end of the day they’re still the same person they’ve been.

/r/furry Thread Parent