[Need Help] Struggling to improve. (Conquest)

Okay, didn't want to ramble.

I know the basics of the basic style of gameplay. As ADC my job is to avoid feeding, rank up, and main job is to damage structures quickly. Build Crit most of the time, or Qin Sai if a lot of tanks, stay in the back and help cut down enemies during team fights. Biggest problems are over-committing, not knowing where opponents are without Wards, and apparently not rotating to team fights. Trouble taking the second Tower, trouble knowing when to attack the Phoenix if other lanes are behind me in their towers. Also not always sure if I can beat Gold Fury by myself. Not sure where to position when attacking Fire Giant... hell not sure WHEN to attack any of the non-lane objectives. Not sure when I'm supposed to take Red and when to leave it for Mid. Oh, and if I fall behind early it only seems to get worse and worse until team fights begin and I'm left to farm on my own in a pathetic attempt to catch-up while being useless.

As Support, I know my job early is to protect the ADC and unless I'm playing Ganesha, always let them get last hits. I try to block and protect and draw attacks to me but often get killed out of nowhere, especially if duo opponents are non-standard, i.e. mages with a lot of burst damage. Struggle with positioning and using my potions too quickly in a attempt to not feed and to not leave ADC alone. This is especially a problem if the ADC is really aggressively pushing forward.

As Mid, I really only know how to play Hera worth a damn. For the last 1.5 months I've felt very strong with her, mechanically and with timing and understand spacing pretty well, but for the last two days I'm somehow utterly predictible and opponents are dodging everything I do and killing me before I can hit Aegis. It's pathetic really, to feel like she was one of my strongest characters just just getting absolutely murdered whether I'm playing safe or not. Rotating to lanes in trouble also used to feel really powerful, but now I just get laughed and and die while my team complains.

As Solo, I was previously strong with fundamentals with Achilles and solid late game with Amaterasu, now these last two days I fall behind early way faster than I thought should be possible, get ganked constantly even with wards while in my tower... It's just another way to feel like I'm getting out-played no matter what I do.

And Jungling is just as bad. I always seem slower to clear, my Speed gets invaded and I don't even see it happen, I fall behind on farm even though I never stop PVE, I'm never able to successfully gank on time, or successfully at all.

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