Need help waking up... Am I being brainwashed?

Little off topic but Everyone who i engage with online who advocates against the jab seem to project themselves as these young, impeccably fit specimens, who are just beacons of health and who's immune systems are the pinnacle of health and who definitely don't need the vaccine.

If were saying like, conservatively, 40% adults still haven't been vaxxed, well then i call bullshit. Like, i live in the real world and I'm saying 40% of y'all arent in "peak" health. At least not where l live. So that means a lot them are lying!

I'm gonna suggest there's more overlap than we've been led to believe between the "beacon of health" anti-vaxxers crowd and the "over weight (even obese), meat eating, smoking/drinking/drug using, driving in cars everyday, non engaging in regular physical fitness, and/or any number of additional risky behaviors and unhealthy lifestyle choices type" crowd.

/r/QAnonCasualties Thread Link -