Need help with flaming,I feel lost and i cant control myself.

Hey dude.

I'm gonna chime in with a different approach. Now i'm pretty low in terms of ELO. But when it comes to life and experience, I'm like Challenger or something.

Mate, you have to appreciate exactly where you fit in into League and where you're headed.

From what I ascertained from your post - you're frustrated at losing and failing. You get this - and honestly, that's the biggest and most important step.

Secondly, here's another thing you need to accept. Now understand that I'm not saying this to put you down, i'm saying it to try and make you understand.

Your peak was Platinum. Platinum really isn't high in the scheme of things. Heck, at the highest levels they actually look down on players in Diamond 1.

I'm not saying you're crap. I'm trying to get you to understand that you're applying a standard to yourself which simply doesn't apply to you.

The way I see it is, everyone is learning this game. You included. Sure, i'm in silver, but I've had to teach platinum players when they want to build Youmuu's and when Last Whisper is preferable. I've had to teach Gold players that warding is pretty important for a mid laner, and that they need pink wards VS certain enemies.

Everyone is learning, and it's like this until you get to Diamond 4. At that point, you've pretty much cracked the basics of the game and understand it.

When I apply that to other people I am playing with, suddenly there's no frustration. I see (often) a Gold Zed player with the SKT skin flash into the enemy team to ulti and ignite the enemy support. Instead of commenting on how stupid that is, I just think: 'The guy's in gold. He doesn't understand the basics of the game yet.' What's the point in raging at that? If someone doesn't get something, the most you can do it talk to them after the match - if they're friendly. Other than that, they're still learning the game and filling their head with crap from youtube and trying to emulate their gods.

So, the only person you can be really harsh with is yourself. That's why you have to focus on your own play. The reason for this is that the only thing consistent between soloQ matches is yourself.

A bit of emotion and frustration is normal and, I believe, helpful.

But just focus on improvement. Accept you're a beginner at this game (NO shame with this term - take it literally, don't go into the egotistical penis measuring that nerds love) and understand that making mistakes is normal.

Then you take a look at those mistakes and focus your frustration and energy on correcting them instead.

All the best.

/r/summonerschool Thread