Need help with Nemesis builds.

Hey people are insulting your build choices a lot and rather than just do more of that I'd like to explain why people are strongly disagreeing with you especially with winged blade after boots on nemesis and frankly every single smite character. In this game damage is calculated like this.

Damage = (100 × Unmitigated Damage)/(Protections + 100)

at 0 protections the 100's cancel out and you do 100% of your unmitigated damage which for example on a physical basic attack is base damage + 100% of your physical power.

however at a measly 50 protections, you are now taking 33.3% less damage, and at 100 protections you now take 50% less damage and finally at 150 protections you are mitigating 60% of damage.

each god starts with about 10-20 protections roughly based on class.

we will have 2 nems fighting each other, at level 9 and evolved attackers blessing warrior tabi. However, one has a heavy mace and the other has winged blade. each will auto attack each other and ignore her passive for simplicity although in actuality the heavy mace nem will do a little more due to a higher amount of power.

both nems have 38 phys prots the heavy mace nemesis will have 1154 hp, and 144 basic damage 20 pen, winged blade nemesis has 1454 hp, 119 basic damage and 10 pen.

heavy mace nem has (100x144)/(18+100)=122 damage per auto 1454/122=11.9 autos to kill, so 12.

winged blade nem has (100x119)/(28+100)=93 damage per auto 1154/93= 12.4 so 13 autos to kill.

despite having a whopping 300 hp over the opposing nem, the additional 300 hp in exchange for the 25 power and 10 pen is actually dying faster against the character with pen. mace nem is doing 1.31 times the damage of winged blade nem. That is a multiplier that is quite difficult to beat and will require a significant outplay by winged blade nem. This calculation only gets worse the tankier your targets are and if you die faster than the squishies you are supposed to kill what is the purpose to your character? Your character may never die due to winged blade passive but you are deceptively not that much tankier against early penetrations and only

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