need help with planning my future

I do understand needing a full time job, I want to go back to school in the fall to work towards a degree. The current job I have right now is keeping me as it has amazing benefits and will help pay for my schooling. A full time job is just unobtainable for me right now, I don’t know if any places hiring near me for full time positions at an entry level. Since I don’t have a car, I would have no way to said full time job. My current job is just really convenient with the hours so I can share a car at night, while my mom works during the day.I guess what I am asking with my post is how can I save and not want to splurge my money? If any people have saving money tips, finance tips, etc. I do not pay rent, the bills I have are my phone, some media subscriptions, and a school loan - equaling up to $120/mo.

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