I need help with Uprising on Legendary. My plan always falls apart in the final area, and I don't know how we can fix it.

I finished it once. Comp was orisa , moira , Ana and I was roadhog. My job was to hook the assassin whenever she pinned someone and ult the heavy when I was nano boosted.

Last point we took the high ground and planned and stuff but ended up going our separate ways lol . Luckily though our Moira was extremely good (found out she was a master elo Moira main) she just didn't die . Ana ulted me , I ulted the heavy and orisa covered and we won. I don't know if it's the best comp but basically the hog is supposed to hook the assassin , get the sniper down from the vantage point to stop her momentarily , self sufficient as he can heal , nice aoe dmg and makes up for dps required to kill the heavy with his ult.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread