Need help with withdrawal

We seem to have had some good conversations in the past I’m not sure where the hostility is coming from.

r/Pregabalin was made as a spin off from r/Gabagoodness when the mod team saw a need for a community focused on the therapeutic use of Pregabalin as opposed to recreational use. We don’t promote Pregabalin use.

When people come to r/Pregabalin to ask how to “get high” we offer harm reduction due to seizure risk and refer them to our (not mine) recreational sub r/Gabagoodness and lock the thread. It has nothing to do with who moderates the sub. r/Pregabalin is a sub for therapeutic use of Pregabalin only. Sometimes things get side tracked which is fine however for the most past we try to keep in focused in on therapeutic use.

You are mistaken. There’s no argument to be made that ferns are more deadly than Kratom because that wasn’t my point. My analogy wasn’t “Ferns don’t kill. Kratom kills!” But you know this. I was explaining the difference between what most would call an “innocent plant” (the fern) vs one that you refer to as an “innocent plant”. Kratom. The plant you ridiculed the OP regarding their “reckless substance use and knowledge there of”. For being addicted to both Pregabalin and Kratom.

The innocent plant Kratom which has a vast array of addictive properties. Ferns do not. People seek out Kratom to get high, not so much with Ferns. And yes if someone animal or human were to become into contact with Bracken fern it could prove to be fatal due to the thiaminase it contains. I know this due to some areas I’ve lived in. But we aren’t discussing that. My point was Kratom isn’t an innocent plant. Where as a fern sans Bracken ferns are.

Yes Kratom may work some on VGCC. I also named off a number of other receptors it works on as well as the 50 alkaloids which make it very addicting for many people and a,so hard to come off of. I’m a fan of Kratom there’s a place for it in this world but I also don’t tell people it’s an innocent plant. Nor do I scoff at someone who suffers from a substance use disorder.

Which brings me back to the point of my original comment to you. One of the most basic rules of this community is to be nice. There is no need to be judgmental towards someone for becoming addicted to substances. Instead of reflecting on that you came back and were rude and insulting towards me. The sub as a whole and the way we run things. If you can’t follow the very few rules we have in here this my not be the place for you.

I’ll apologizing in advance for any typos, lack of proper punctuation or use off effect vs affect correctly.

Good luck with your tapering plan.

/r/pregabalin Thread Parent