Need to get my shit together..

Your post resonates with me a lot. I'm 30 now, with a BA & JD, great job, amazing woman, nice home, and a very promising career that I'm extremely happy with. But I struggled with a lot of the same shit, so I'm going to respond to you again. Something I've never done on Reddit.

First, getting a graduate degree is great if it will advance the career you want. But don't rush it. Once again, experience is key. To use an undergrad degree to its fullest, you need 2 years of experience; to use a graduate degree, 3-5 years is best. I took two years between my undergrad and law school, and that gave me a tremendous advantage over my peers. Professional skills are vastly different than educational. Seriously reconsider getting a job/internship now. Even just for a semester or two. Use it to build your knowledge and your network. Figure out what you like, what you're good at, and what you want to stay the fuck away from. You are not in high school anymore; this is the real world and people are getting experience. They're learning skills hey don't teach in school. They're building networks with professionals in their industries, and they'll be a step ahead. To be the best, you have to act like the best... And if you think that means achieving straight A's and nothing else, you are dead wrong. You should be focused on improving yourself. Tons of people will get a piece of paper after 4 years of BS lectures, some of them will be able to use them. Some will be your waiter. (Sorry to those educated waiters reading this.)

Second, I assume pot is your crutch. It was mine too. I've also had lifelong anxiety with panic attacks. Pot made me much more anxious and aggressive. Coming down and dealing with being sober sucked. The first two weeks of being dry are the hardest. But then it gets much easier. After a couple months, you won't believe the stability you have within yourself. But you have to desire it and recognize what is holding you back. Maybe it's that, maybe not. Your call. But you can quit and become a much better person. I guarantee it.

I've also dealt with antidepressants. Great for short term. Another difficult-to-quit substance. Benzos are my middle ground. Help me sleep when I want, deal with extreme anxiety, and behave like I want to. You and your doc know what's best, but they hand out pills like crazy. If antidepressants aren't working, scale them back and find something that does. And consider the other substances you are using and their affect. Benzos have to be used responsibly, but they are amazingly helpful when done so.

Dude, I've been in your shoes. I was motivated and knew I had it what it takes to be successful, but I delayed it because I failed to be engaged and recognize harmful habits. You know you're there. Grab your life and make it what you want.

We have one chance on this little blue marble we call earth. You're in a defining stage and you can slide through or you can dominate. Your choice. Just know that it doesn't get easier. You need to step your game up now to get ahead and live the life you want. See what you want, and become it.

You can do it.

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