Do I need to take my son to the E.R.???

I didn't recommend anything specifically, I wrote that a standard check up could include the tests mentioned. And, the CRP is pretty common where I live, it's non-invasive; routinely used; gives quick results; and is reliable. However, what diagnostic procedures that'll be done is up to the physician.

CRP indications where I live:

It is relevant to take CRP in the following situations:

• If an infection caused by bacteria is suspected • To differentiate between viral infection and bacterial infection • During checks to follow the development of the disease. CRP values rapidly decrease as an infection heals

"This is how we doctors can use CRP to help us make a diagnosis. By knowing the value of CRP and having knowledge of the typical picture of various diseases, together with the medical history, we can get closer to a diagnosis, explains Marit Hermansen, head of the Norwegian Association for General Medicine (NFA)"

That being said, if I gave bad advice then I apologise; I wrote on instinct, I'm currently on shift and haven't had much rest for the last couple days on call.

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