I Need To Get This Off My Chest Now! Stupid Doctors!

It's because I'm in debt I have financial trouble. Otherwise I have money and I can budget, but I don't have enough of it. After paying for my phone bill, internet, rent, and making minimum payments towards my credit cards, I just keep whatever I have left, and spend it on food and cigarettes. I don't go outside much because I don't have enough for transportation, and honestly I don't want to waste money for it either. I walk everywhere I go. I never take bus. I have driving license, but no car and no money to buy one. And I already use Mint to keep track of my spending's.

I got jealous one time when I was doing gluten free grocery shopping. I saw an old man buying $141 worth of gluten free groceries, and I only could afford $45. I got jealous, and pissed off when I saw that, and got depressed a little bit afterwards.

Anyway, the genetic test may not be a golden ticket for a dx, but my family doctor is understanding, and as long as his liability is covered with a diagnosis, he can help me get support for gluten free diet as long as I get proof of my Celiac Disease.

/r/Celiac Thread Parent