Need some advice...

Imagine you're on the second floor of a mall, but you've never been in a mall in your life. Lets say smoking weed is like being on this second floor, and smoking DMT is the first floor. You look over the balcony to the first floor and see a store you want to go into. You could jump off the balcony and land on the first floor, sure it's a direct path to the store you see, but you might break your legs. This is similar to using DMT as your first psychedelic imo.

You could instead look for an escalator or some stairs instead. The stairs/escalator symbolize psychedelics such as LSD and Psilocybin. I think it's much better to accustom yourself with these psychedelics before trying DMT. They will still blow your mind in ways you can't imagine, and you will get a lot out of them. When you feel like you've learned enough from them and you can control your headspace and keep your cool while tripping, then you should move on to DMT.

I tripped on LSD and Psilocybin 200+ times before I felt DMT calling me. I'm very experienced with psychedelics and I'm still blown away by DMT every time I use it. There's truly nothing that can prepare you for it, but if I didn't experiment with other psychedelics first I feel like my DMT experiences would be way too intense to handle.

In the end it's up to you and what you think you can handle though. Don't let fear control you. Good luck in your travels!

/r/DMT Thread