Need some help with getting metrics from ESXi host, script included, need modifications

And apparently you will have to copy paste this to get it to be read easier? Attempt again:

define where we will save our performance metrics.

$outputFile = "C:\Users\sloanejm-p\desktop\omg.csv"

define a new Powershell credential and log into vCenter with the credentials

$creds = Get-Credential $vCenter = Connect-VIServer rsrcnvc601hr -Credential $creds -SaveCredentials

define our vCenter service instance and performance manager.

$serviceInstance = Get-View ServiceInstance -Server $vCenter $perfMgr = Get-View $serviceInstance.Content.PerfManager -Server $vCenter

get all available performance counters

$counters = $perfMgr.PerfCounter

create an array where we will store each of our custom objects that will contain the information that we want.

$metrics = @()

foreach ($counter in $counters) {

create a custom Powershell object and define attributes such as the performance metric's name, rollup type, stat level, summary, etc

$metric = New-Object System.Object $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name GroupKey -value $counter.GroupInfo.Key $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name NameKey -value $counter.NameInfo.Key $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Rolluptype -value $counter.RollupType $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Level -value $counter.Level $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name FullName -value "$($counter.GroupInfo.Key).$($counter.NameInfo.Key).$($counter.RollupType)" $metric | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Summary -value $counter.NameInfo.Summary

add the custom object to our array

$metrics += $metric }

each metric object will look simliar to the following. We can use a select command to gather which attributes we want and export them to a CSV file.

GroupKey : vsanDomObj

NameKey : writeAvgLatency

Rolluptype : average

Level : 4

FullName : vsanDomObj.writeAvgLatency.average

Summary : Average write latency in ms

$metrics | select fullname, level, summary | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outputFile

/r/PowerShell Thread