Need some help with Shyvana early game in gold.

Counter ganking is a weak point, not counter jungling. Plenty of experience with the latter :)

No problems with clears and I definitely agree that scuttle control is huge, regardless of devourer. It's especially great early game for sustain. I find it's the best way to punish people early if they want to contest it as you're not deep where laners can punish you as hard, or to give you safety on your way out when counter jungling. Great addition to the game honestly.

If a gank happens top and my bot and mid are pushed up, while I'm on that side of the map, I make the most of it, taking the respective dragon, scuttle, enemy jungle and looking for an opportunity to make something happen with those lanes.

The problem I'm having with Shyvana, is well before I start hitting my stride, if the mid laner is tilting to a 2/0 annie at 8m because they're not playing safe, overpushing and get chunked the moment they get to lane, they sit there waiting to die under tower with 1/3rd hp after the damage is done.

I can definitely try to gank, but there's no way I can stop the Annie from killing the laner if we both commit or alternatively, my laner wont respond and I'll just get chunked, or die before I can even auto her and that's if she's alone. When multiple lanes are in this similar position because I was unable to make leads happen, or lanes threw those leads away and go full tilt. I just don't know what to do on Shyvana. I can get things done on Udyr and the like because they're tanky, threatening and have CC without items. Shyv is very linear in the opportunities she has.

In certain games 2-3 of my lanes can be pushing and tilting in the same fashion which leaves Shyv very little opportunities, while they're pushed up they get punished, or make poor trades/take tower shots and die. Then the lane resets, they push, they start tilting, repeat.

I just don't know what to do in these games, it's a big part of why I'm so heavily invested in wards (stalker etc.) on Shyvana more so than I am on other junglers. the enemy hits their stride early and rotates properly while the tilted players are still trying to farm and we're losing tower after tower instead of defending or trading. I can't hit my powerspike in time to salvage these games because everyone's getting punished and their lead trickles into denying our side off the map heavily. I definitely need to review those replays but I wasn't seeing anything obviously missed like I usually do while playing other junglers.

At the end of the day, these games happen. But I've been seeing them more on Shyvana, than I have on Yi or Xin, because they feel more impactful a lot more impactful for the early game.

I absolutely agree that the junglers can and often do mean the difference between winning and losing lanes, but to say that as an absolute is just wrong. There's been countless times I've gotten 5+ kills between top and mid for the respective laners, only taking assists and they still wind up behind, go on tilt etc. Some lanes just can't be salvaged. There's a lot of theories on what to do with good and bad lanes, it mostly comes down to the overall matchup and who needs the lead on your team vs who needs to be shut down on theirs and when I'm playing Shyvana, unless it's their jungler, I'm having a hell of a tiem accomplishing that compared to most of my other junglers.

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