I need some informations about you INTJ type, so you help???

Dark, simple clothing. A straight face with a stare or a raised "suspicious" eyebrow. I have long hair that I keep in a loose bun on top of my head at work & I wear reading glasses. Minimal jewelry & makeup.

I'm usually at my computer at home. I don't own any bookshelves, cats, or coffee. I have a couple of shelves full of computer hardware & paperwork.

At work I design products with AutoCAD and manufacture them. So lots of computers, machines, tools & parts/hardware. Lots of notes scattered all over the place on whiteboards & stickies.

I do enjoy playing strategy games on my computer & in real life (ie: chess, MMORPGs, etc). I enjoy a good discussion with a small group. I used to indulge in a little bit of vodka from time to time, but now I just consume water and tea.

/r/intj Thread