Need someone to talk to i’m hopeless

Can I just stop this post really quick to give you and internet hug and tell you that you have me as your friend even if we never meet?

(>)>(^<) a poor picture rendition of us hugging

Oookay, continuing on to the post now!

I can apply my 12 step ideology ideology here: admit you're powerless over the drugs. You have taken the first step in admitting you have a problem. Keep the wheels in motion and take that next right turn. I encourage you to go to a long-term detox facility. At least one that's 30 days, not a week.

Coming on here and telling us how you have no friends leads me to believe you may not able to achieve the abstinence you desire. That's okay! I encourage you to attend a long-term facility to find the healthy outlets as I have. 12 step meetings, therapy, and clear and concise communication with others is the key in my life.

Those things don't sound like your cup of tea? Don't knock it until you try it! Don't be so quick to discredit it until you give them an honest shot. Try it, I dare you. There's ways other than what I've mentioned that have worked for others. Working out, new friend groups, new hobbies... The list is endless.

I'll be subbing to this post and your profile and I'll definitely be praying for you and your girlfriend. Stay up, friend.

/r/quittingphenibut Thread