We need to stop the gender wars

I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. The best man you ever meet will be dumb, uncharismatic, aggressively ignorant, politically right wing or centrist, thinks he is smart, and boring as shit. And that’s your best case, harmless man. Worst case scenario he is abusive or violent. In which case he’ll be shielded by the “good men” from consequences.

I find women can be awful or amazing or in between. But at least there are good people who are women. At least women are interesting to talk to. Men are so aggressively boring. And like they can’t be emotionally normal: they’re either closed off and communicate in grunts or they are wildly over emotional. They are also so entitled to feel attracted to women. Like I am not attracted to lots of people and lots of people aren’t attracted to me. It’s chill. Men get so pissed about women being fat or ugly like how dare they not be pleasing to my eye. Men always say that women are hard on each other but goddamn, men are so mean about women’s looks. I have had men rant about ugly women to me and rate women’s bodies when we were dating. Why???

I think it’s good that women are starting to openly recognize that men have been getting by on mediocrity and keeping women down.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread