we need to talk about PvP Breakthrough

you've played a few games and so you think you should be able to make broad sweeping changes to a game mode that we all probably don't understand yet?

That's the same thing. Meta in this case meaning the best strategy for the mode. It doesn't need time to figure out when it's already been figured out by players better than me.

Go ahead and make armchair developer comments, but it's been proven over and over that you simply cannot simulate what a real playerbase will do or what they will figure out to make things easier. Just like with Salvage in D1, it's clear this mode needs changes to incentivize playing it properly instead of abusing scoring mechanics to make it easy.

If it's becoming common already for teams to decide to ignore the objective and wait to play defense because that's easier to win, what is your suggestion of how the gamemode will evolve over time?

The winning strategy is already figured out. What exactly are people supposed to wait for?

So you can make snide comments about the suggestions on Reddit, but it's pretty obvious that you don't understand the issues with the mode right now and why it needs to be tweaked.

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