I need to vent, why are girls singled out in static/raid groups more than guys?

Yeah, you need a new group. Your static members are assholes. I've gone through several statics over the years and have finally found one that is accepting and they're super fun to raid with. I've been with them for over 3 years and they never belittle me or treat me differently for being a woman. We're getting close to beating Alexander (ultimate) and not once have they ever made me feel inadequate or mansplained at me. (They're all guys ranging in age from early 20s to 40 so age has nothing to do with it.)

I know exactly what you mean when you talk about guys like that. It's immediately noticeable, like they have no idea how transparent they're being. Sorry you've been having to raid with annoying people. :< I hope things look up for you.

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