This is why we need to win back the white-working class in 2018 and 2020:

if you elitists and faux intellectuals actually took the time to listen to white working class men instead of demonizing them then you wouldn't have gotten BTFO so hard.

Go through my post history. I'm one of the most vocal members advocating for winning back the WWC (White Working Class).

Let's assume that you're being genuine. You realize that Trump doesn't give a FUCK about you? Nor does Hillary Clinton. Regardless, Trump played you guys like a fiddle. The AHCA would have taken away tens of millions of people's healthcare away, while giving tax breaks to the 1%. His proposed budget cuts Meals on Wheels while increasing military by 54 billion dollars. That's your hard-earned money going to a cause that will never improve the status of your life. He signed an executive order that allows coal companies to dump toxins into our rivers. To add onto this point, Trump is not going to bring back coal. He lied. I'm sorry that I have to tell you this.

What is "DLC"? The Democratic Leadership Council. Look it up.

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