I need your help. I don't know what to do anymore.

I have been in crypto since last July and have made really good money. But I have also made a some really silly mistakes so don't beat yourself up at all. In fact after all this time I did it again two days ago! Maybe just be more prepared for slow steady growth rather than moon missions. I know it's a buzz when things double or triple overnight but you soon lose out if you chase that. If you have your money diversified into a handful of really good coins, they all take their turn and mooning and it's a nice surprise when they do. And if you buy and hold good projects - it means you can walk away and stop looking at charts all day and just keep your eye on things.

Don't give up! We all learn through pain - bummer though it is! Jibrel's a good start - I'm sure you'll do brilliantly next year :-)

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread