We need your voice as we continue the fight for net neutrality

Without Net Neutrality I would have never seen Going to the Zoo, I would have never looked up my symptoms and think I had cancer 100 times, I would have never connected with my old friends, I wouldn't get silly selfies my grandma emails me, I would not know the joys of childhood online gaming, I would have not have facts and information when I do not know and remain in an oblivious state, I wouldn't be able to look up strategies to chess to kick my parents ass, cat videos would be of the past, I would have to sadly watch my brother PAY to go on Ifunny or 9gag and other lame sites, I wouldn't have known to take my cat to the vet cause the site that told my the symptoms isn't available, and most of all I wouldn't be able to find dank memes everywhere Net Neutrality has allowed me to be the person I am by doing the things I want online. It's the reason I can research across multiple news sites to get my information, it's important to not only me though, it's important to everyone and without it what are we but money trees to big cable?

/r/blog Thread