We need your voice as we continue the fight for net neutrality

If you've been trolling me this entire time, congrats for wasting s tremendous amount of my time. If you honestly believe you are right, you are misunderstanding the situation. Do me a favor and check my sources. This is literally the first paragraph.

Federal regulators voted 3-2 on Friday to declare that Comcast's throttling of BitTorrent traffic last year was unlawful, marking the first time that any U.S. broadband provider has ever been found to violate Net neutrality rules.

The second paragraph of your own link supports my position that net neutrality was already in existence before 2015.

A federal judge on Thursday rejected cable and phone companies' attempts to stop net neutrality in its tracks.

You can't stop something that didn't exist, therefore it did already exist. It may have been temporarily nullified by a Court ruling but it did exist prior to 2015. My article from 2008 makes that quite clear that what comcast was found illegal of doing was "violate net neutrality rules."

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