This needeed to be said

I do, but she still treats me like I’m the greatest man on Earth, for being a normal man who treats her with basic respect. I bring it up all of the time that I’m not great her ex’s were just abusive, pieces of sh*t. Her Mother abandoned her and her Father was physically and emotionally abusive. To the point where her brother committed double homicide on their Grandparents and burned the house down. It was their abusive Father’s Parents. It was some kind of crazy revenge murder. He knew his Dad loved his parents and wanted to get even. He’s still in prison and is eligible for parole soon since he was only 12 when he did it, back in 2001 maybe. So anyway she has hardcore past abuse and latched onto abusive men. She is 32 now and I think meeting someone who isn’t abusive and controlling, she’s really falling hard and latching on. She doesn’t know how to set healthy boundaries or let relationships unfold. So I’m doing my best to deal with her emotional issues and past relationships and abuse. She’s beautiful and has a lot to offer, so I’m staying with her and doing my best with it, and just showing her love. I don’t have all of the answers, she may be incapable of a healthy long term relationship without dealing with her past trauma in counseling or something. But I’m gonna try to anyway. So that’s my story about this topic. I know I’m not super special, but she doesn’t know anything but abuse, and tends to think basic respect and honesty is out of the norm.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link -