This needs to be fixed

This change still ticks me off the most. The idiots on the forum were whining incessantly, for months about Genji's defelct. The devs went on the forum and EXPLAINED why the deflect was the way it was, why it was specifically, volontarilly designed the way it was. They said it was fine, and Genji on top of that was not showing any statistical sign of being too strong at all. They said they would consider changing the visuals to better represent the effect, but they defended their development ideas with logic.

Fast forward a few months, for no reason whatsoever (people didn't stop whining, of course), the deflect was changed to a ridiculously small hitboxes that misses things at Genji's feet and thrown right in his face.

This is one of the dumbest change they've ever done. Literally, 100% done just to shut the masses up, even if they are completely wrong on the matter, and now we're sitting here with this pile of shit of a deflect that just don't seem to deflect for random reasons.

Is that what one would call it a sell-out dev? So pathetic they can't even stand for their own reasoning they just bow down to pressure from morons and change things to appease them? Absolutely fucking sickening, this change, but of course since 90% of the player base are Mercy mains I assume, we won't be getting enough whining to get this shit fixed anytime soon, if ever.

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread Link -