Negan WAS a rapist.

Its a tv show. I love negan. I love JDM. He is my favourite in the show. Characters like him can have redemption arcs like his. In real life he would have been killed ages ago and I would hate him.

That aside I think I would have preffered for him to not have any kind of forced sexual encounters with his "wives". Like force them to be a companion but not sexually. Especially when he made such a point of slaughtering that guy in front of Sasha when he tried raping her. The idea that he would have that hard moral limit considering the absolute atrocities he commited would have been preferable for me.

I think they fucked up with it honestly and just wanted to paint him as complete evil to start with. In reality they could have done really well. Could have been that he was so heartbroken by Lucille's death that he wanted the same companionship (which would be why he had these wives) but could never find it or bring himself to have sex with someone again until he met Annie and found that real love again.

thats just me tho. Im biased because JDM is my favourite actor in this show.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread