The negative obsession with Greta is unreal

Lol stupid faggot. Got any other trends to dig from the bottom of barrel? Does that make it any easier realizing you’ll never amount to anything ever? You’re a worthless sack of shit. You’re a burden to everyone you’re around. You think you’re smart but you maintained a C average throughout your academic life. Your highest calling is working overnight at Target stacking boxes. You’ll be replaced because you’re even useless at that. And when you’re on your deathbed, you’ll remember this brief internet reaction, where your stupid ass repeated a dead meme to a documented fact. Climate change is real.. Drone striking brown people doesn’t help the environment. It most be nice to make 250k a speech and do nothing to help the environment. Literally nothing. Donate to MrBeasts save the trees and at least do something with your miserable worthless life you utter piece of fucking shit.

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