Neil Gaiman quoted "Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten " - what's the dragon you've beaten in 2019?

As of about 2 hours ago, I visited a certain grave and reminded myself of why I’m in college.

I instantly realize how fucking little my feelings about being cheated on twice, failing an exam, or getting beat in my sports once in awhile really are compared to the problems I wish to solve one day in the world of research.

I was eaten, burning, and buried alive by how my ex made me feel, all the while feeling fucked up over how little friends I have and how little i tend to be happy nowadays.

But that’s okay. I have ambitions that would shake the gates of god, and it would be absolutely tragic to let these personal issues get in the way of my goals.

And now, I’m eating food and studying for my next semesters classes since I ain’t got a family or friends for this holiday. Making the best of this time. While I’ll always dislike how I felt about the amazing bullshit certain people have treated me, and I’ll always remember the pain and sadness brought upon myself, I know I got bigger fish to fry than fishing in a pool of misery.

/r/AskReddit Thread