Neo-Nazis trying to recruit in Saskatoon

Monkey_sage is one of the most despicable virtue signallers I ever seen, he wants nothing more than to be a SJW warrior who tells all his friends how he “fights nazis” he’s a privileged gay kid who wants to be a victim so bad he will make a huge deal out of every non issue he can get a hold of(his favourite is deleting comments because they are mean) he leaves a response after the deleted tweet explaining how he won’t stand for it! He won’t ever let the comment sit to be looked at by the subscribers. He turned this subreddit into a big steamy pile of SJW shit, he’s toxic and should kick rocks. I guarantee he does nothing for the community to make it better, only complaints & keyboard justice, I don’t see him helping out the homeless, I don’t see him fundraising or any involvement in the betterment of the community. I hope he get bedbugs.

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