The nerve of that guy.

I literally run a factory and can do .... plumbing, electrical, mechanics, controller programming, IT, janitorial, administrative, HR and construction along with straight brute work ....subcontractors bills have been cut in half because I know what they are supposed to do versus what they said they are supposed to do...... oh and I oversee every department I created and all the people under them which is a bunch so fuck off with entitlement, I’m a hustler... you sound like you are a snowflake..., grow up and keep learning everyday... the USA is 4% of the population and we are lucky to have opportunity at all instead of super corrupt nations (we are corrupt too just not near as much).... just realize a lot of people would give a sh*t ton to just start where we did, in America... ps both my parents are run aways at age 15 with nothing so don’t say shit to me about entitlement... I’ve hustled since I was a child just like they did, that’s what they taught my dad was a general contractor and my mom was a restaurant worker

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