Netanyahu: We will move forward with annexation in July

As if, every attack on Gaza and the last one in Lebanon was all “retaliation”. I wonder if that’s what those snipers said was the reason they sniped all those kids.

I’ve met dozens of soldiers fresh outta your military and racism towards Palestinians is disgusting, and this was before I knew anything about that world. I spent a year between Ramallah and Jerusalem as a white atheist, no stake in the game and went there to visit Israeli friends in Haifa. The overall treatment of Palestinians was appalling. Everything is meant to torment, humiliate or just entertaining to these soldiers to shoot kids with rubber bullets. I saw a small teenage girl get shot in the back by a tear gas canister and all she was doing was crossing the street. Fun game for the soldier.

Military is a breed ground for bigotry, and because it’s mandatory that racism is systemic. So when I hear Israelis defend the violence but pretend to be liberal that’s the systemic thats drilled into you. Your Nationalism comes a lot from the military, and racism is used as a tool. It seems to have worked on you. So yes, Zionism is racism from start to finish.

And you think if the Palestinians are freed they would kill you all? Guess what, that’s is also racist as hell. Saying Arabs are more violent than you is disgusting, beside who’s doing most of the murders? And yet you defend those settlers behavior. Saying “they’d kill us given the chance” is something you say to brand them as violent but there no basis to it. Lots of Palestinians live amongst you and they are killing everyone. The young gen would just be happy to have options. Just because your people are committing a slow burning genocide on them doesn’t mea they would do the same. You wish they were as violent, it’s probably getting harder to justify that the killings. Based on your comments you clearly have contempt for Arabs, so how is anyone supposed to take your word on how things are? You don’t wanna take the West Bank cause of the retaliation, not cause it’s wrong, illegal and disgusting. Says a lot about you. Just a reminder, not all Palestinians are terrorist.

Also, winners rewrite the history as it fits them, I’ve read other accounts on how the 6 day war went. Israel saw an opportunity and they were the aggressors. Lots to confirm that too, but you’re Always in defence. Yes, Israel says that a lot. Every invasion is always in retaliation, that’s why you bomb and kill so much. You sell billions high tech defence weapons that “battle tested”, but that’s just a side benefit, there’s lots of money in oppression.

And the crap about the violence before Israel came is also not true, Arabs and Jews were living there for centuries with out excessive conflict. Just another bullshit faux history you tell the masses so you can just keep killing guilt free. You’re taught the history they want you to know, now go learn from books not provided by your alt right government that your defending. Zionism is racism and the world is slowly waking up to it.

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