Netflix's Cowboy Bebop Opening Credits

I remember when I was a teenager, I saw Trigun, and I thought Vash was the coolest character ever. I wished I could dress like him. He's got this long red coat and bright yellow hair and those iconic glasses.

And then someone at my school came dressed as Vash for Halloween in a really good cosplay.... but it doesn't work. When you're looking at it with real materials, in real lighting, it doesn't look as cool as it does animated. There was this soul-crushing moment where it really sunk in that anime isn't real.

And watching this trailer is like re-living that moment over and over and over again.

Nothing looks candid or natural here. It all looks highly-staged and choreographed and costumed. And of course the original was too, but it's a hell of a lot more obvious with real actors. Everything from the way Spike's coat sits on his frame to the way the guns are held. Just the act of striking a pose looks cooler and more natural in animation.

I can tell a lot of work went into this intro, and there's some obvious talent on display, but all that work sends this into the uncanny valley.

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