Netflix's "Haunted" is researching new stories for Season 2

It was in L.A. in 2016. After talking over the phone to my dad who lives in Paris, I went to bed at 4am.

I start hearing scratchy noises on the wall, I difn't pay attention to it and I started falling asleep. I was tired but lucid.

As I fell asleep I felt something crawling in my back. By then I was completely paralysed, and could barely breathe. As this thing got inside I could hear a noise of something being teared apart (it's important for later). And then, I can clearly feel this thing inside me going up and down my body, making a muffled up and down sound.

By that point I was petrified.

FYI I'm Jewish and I learned in a Yeshiva, where we're allowed to also learn some basic Kabalistic principles (FYI most of it can't be taught until you're at least married and have 2 children — you have to be stable otherwise it can drive you insane / disconnect you from your obligations).

So I learned about Shedim (demons), Metsa'hekim (demons who laugh), and Mekatreguim (punishing entities) and the difference between them and Ru'haniot (Ghosts, from departed souls).

I also learned why sometimes a Ghost gets inside you. And as it happened I knew it was a Ghost trying to get inside me. I knew it but nevertheless, living it for real, is the last thing I'd wish upon my worst enemy.

So the first reaction of any Jew who's in danger is to say the Shema prayer (even Justin Bieber used to do it before his concert, not sure who told him to).

As I try my best to put my left hand on my eyes to start reciting, it feels like the thing is doing whatever it takes to prevent me from doing so. As soon as I felt my left hand covering my eyes I start reciting the Shema...

And my voice was. Okay sorry this is the part where I shiver even writing it down. My voice was 5 or maybe 7 semitone below my normal voice tone. If I'm a soprano, this thing made my voice a baritone for some reasons. So I go on reciting the prayer and as soon as I said G.od's name, and not a second after, everything goes back to normal and the light bulb of my room starts blinking a couple times. I was still shocked so I went on and prayed a Psalm I knew by heart.

I turned on all the lights, and started calling evert person I knew on the east coast to find some kind of human contact. I stayed awake until sunrise.

A year goes on. And I'm in Jerusalem, during a jewish holiday. In this little Synagogue a friend of mine insist for me to talk to this Rabbi who is known to see things. So I go for a blessing and he stops me and says "you were possessed last year". I knew he saw something so I immediately asked "will there be collateral damages to what happened?" And he replied "no but next time, try not to fall asleep with your brit in your hand". Now brit is the kosher way of saying dick. I have no clue how he knew and trust me it's humiliating enough for me to openly write about it.

So the explaination goes as follow, I can't justify and explain all the intricacies and technical aspects, but that's how it goes whether you believe it or not: When someone dies, and can't go neither to Hell (to be purified during 1 year max) nor to Heaven, the soul stays on earth but on a 5th dimension or reality plane that we can't see nor fathom. During this earthly purgatory, the soul has to get "corrections" to be worthy of going to the washing machine that you call Hell (to purify your soul until you can enter Heaven without shame, because shame and regret are more painful than anything else).

When you're alive and you sin, you open a door for those floating "souls" to seek shelter within you. Why do they seek shelter? Well, they seek shelter from the Mekatregim (punishing entities) that follows the soul wherever it floats to beat it up a certain amount of time per day. But they cannot touch this soul when it's taking refuge inside a living one. This state is called "Dibbuk" (possession), when it's bad and Hibbur (accompany) when it's good. We're like train stations, and whenever we're about to do something bad, we're potentially vulnerable to a Dibbuk (rarely), and when we do something good, we're inviting along a good soul to partain to this good deed (that doesn't hurt at all, and leaves as soon as the good deed is done).

So yeah... Don't panic. You really have to drop from 9 to 3 to allow something like this to happen to you. I.E. Let's say you always give charity and one day, you decide not to give anymore for the rest of your life and to steal from others. That's dropping from a 10 to a 1. That's when you're in danger. And you open the door to either a Dibbuk or something more physical like G.od forbid an illness, but again this is very rare and only happens if there's no other way to "wake you up".

Next thing I did that morning was to check alll the Mezuzah of the House. Turns one 1 was missing :.

Not TV material but hopefully people will at least learn from it.

/r/Paranormal Thread