Netflix's 'Unbelievable': A rape story that isn't about who is telling the truth, but rather the power dynamics that underpin the criminal justice system and society at large

I realize this will be heavily downvoted... buuut...

I'd personally like to hear the story of the side where we talk about fake rape accusations and the power dynamics behind that. We have a system that seems to ignore or fail actual rape victims while simultaneously over prosecutes and destroys (or attempts to destroy) someone's life and future based off of a lie.

I find that to be almost paradoxical, and it would be great to have some sort of documentary which examines that side as well. Maybe there is an episode on this which covers that, but the false rape accusation never seems to be covered.

I mean its a hard line to balance on right? How do you support rape victims that have the world saying YOU'RE LYING (from this perspective at least), while simultaneously not screwing over the victims of actual lies about being raped?

That perspective likely isn't important to people who've never gone through such a hardship, but I think it can be incredibly traumatic in of itself.

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