Netherlands Councillor: Muslims need "halal beaches" because of scantily-clad, ugly people

As a Muslim raised in America I think a lot of Muslims need to learn to assimilate better. Granted my parents are a lot more liberal (mom doesn't take hijab) but you can't force your moral idealogy on others.

Wear whatever you want, pray however you want, consume whatever you want but don't expect others to change their way of life for you.

In my community it always saddened me to see kids who were forced to dress or were forbidden from watching cartoons/shows or listening to music because their parents didn't agree with it. You're not raising your kid more in line with your beliefs you're just ostracizing them from the greater society they will eventually have to live in and provide for themselves in. When you go to school five days a week there is absolutely no way you can keep them sheltered from society. You have to adapt to where and when you are living.

There's a saying from the Prophet's (PBUH) son in law 'Don't raise your kids the same way your parents raised you.'

I'm always really grateful that my parents never forbade me from participating in greater American society. I watched TV, listened to rap, participated in sports and all those things kept me from feeling like an outsider. Even growing up in a post 9/11 world, my Muslim identity never became my defining characteristic because I was involved in more than that.

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