Nevada Spanish-language publications endorse Sanders — "Ahora Latino Journal, El Reportero and Tú Revista Latina announced their support for Sanders in a Wednesday news release. The endorsements come just one day after former Las Vegas Assemblywoman Lucy Flores pledged for Sanders as well."

Because your points were so half baked and incorrect

OK, let's see about that.

The idea of Bernie Sanders supporters being some 'half-wit' is completely incorrect. Sanders speaks at a much higher level than Clinton and every republican still having a shot in hell in the race.

So, let's see about half baked and incorrect points. Following someone you think is smarter, or perhaps they are actually smarter, some how makes you just as smart, or in any way smart yourself? This is a logical fallacy, some refer to it as an appeal to authority.

I actually do work with a lot of smart people, and often times they are overly ignorant and dumb in all other interests outside their element. It's almost as though, the average person only has a limited amount of brain power, simply put, that they may allocate; you're either average in general, or above average in one or two things and comparatively incompetent in everything else.

However, I have heard from multiple people that they are most impressed with people who can relay complex topics, so that the average person may understand them; and in doing so, they have to speak with the most simple of words. Complex multi-layered concepts, simplified sometimes overly, in order for a layperson to feel, as though they understand.

There are some very smart people, who insist this gift is a measure of intelligence. When you run across such people, it is truly amazing; and I have dealt with one or two in my life.

So, thinking that your making a better decision by picking someone who has a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of merely the 10th grade, is categorically stupid.

Not to mention the Democratic base is much better educated.

This is another form of an appeal to authority. So, if you're educated you should vote Democrat right? Partisan voting is never the result of education or being well informed, this is by definition. Besides, politifact is a radical left-wing source, and opinion pieces aren't reliable citations.

As well I would say you haven't read up on you're European politics lately. The social democracies of Europe have much higher levels of happiness than the US. They are incredibly successful, and would you guess that they have implemented very similar policies to what Bernie Sanders is proposing?

You might not know this, because you're not paid enough or all your information comes from the television, but Europe is facing serious problems due to their politics. I am friends with some fairly well-off Europeans, and they have voiced interest in allegiances in the event social unrest becomes violent, I had one CEO from Europe even mention civil war in his concerns about Europe. None of them, approve of their respective governments, at least not in the security of private discussion.

Yeah... he [I assume you mean Bernie?] has no exposure with non whites. That is why he marched with MLK, and was jailed twice for protesting race policies. He has also started to win the Hispanic vote.

You must have misread my post, I was talking about the hipster, who pretends to be cultured but isn't, who has one or two token black co-workers who tolerate him for a paycheck; who the white liberal shows off to friends as evidence he's not a racist, this is the person who has limited exposure to non-whites.

I wasn't talking about Bernie Sanders himself. I'm very well aware of Bernie Sanders history, I know he had marched with MLK and I also know none of that actually matters; that didn't stop BLM from taking over his microphone three different times.

My Flesch-Kincaid Grade level, since you care so much about it, is much higher than yours.

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