Nevada will start teaching LGBTQ history in K-12 school curriculum. Nevada will become the sixth state in the nation to require lessons on LGBTQ people and historic events.

I wanna cover a couple points here. Firstly about OSC, reddit was very much my first time participating in communities to do with book series or authors, so I honestly didn't know much about him until I came here and by then it was too late. I already wasn't liking his newer stuff half as well as the old enderverse books and finding out he's a religious fundamentalist made a couple of weird spots in even the old books suddenly make sense. I'd change my username if I could, something from BrandoSando Storm light would be my pick if I was new today.

And of course I disagree with you that 5his can't be a real viewpoint. You can't teach about people and be like "Did we mention he was gay? Super gay. Gay at a time when you weren't supposed to be openly gay. And EVEN THOUGH he was gay, he STILL did something significant with his life. I did say he was gay, right? Look at me giving a shit about gays in history this month!"
It's fucking condescending. I agree that we got tought a whitewashed history, but let's just stop teaching that history and do it normal and factually. Not have a gay month and a black month and whatever month. That's very nearly as wrong as leaving it out altogether like we used to.

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