"I never called Meghan Markle 'nasty.' Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold! Will CNN, New York Times and others apologize? Doubt it!" (2 Jun 2019)

Ok look guys, I absolutely loathe trump, but this one is BS.

Yes, the words, "I didn't know she was nasty" did come out of his mouth, BUT it's absolutely clear from the context that he was not calling her nasty.

He was being interviewed and the interviewer had a definite agenda, kept pushing a negative tone about her, and asked trump if he knew that she had said "mean" things about him. Trump actual stayed positive about her except for that one response where yes, those words came out of his mouth, but the meaning was clearly, "oh, I didn't know she was nasty (as in mean) to me." He then immediately followed it up with praise and well wishes for her.

Again, I LOATHE trump, he is every single bit of dog shit residue I've ever scraped off my shoes, but this one is bullshit.

/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump Thread Link - twitter.com