Never met a man willing to be chaste until marriage

I am a man who waited, now happily betrothed to the loved of my life and soon to be married, and I can speak to this from the other side. I had several Catholic girls, by all accounts devout women who were active in the Church, get upset if not aggressive that I did not want to be physically intimate after two or three dates. I don't think it's a gendered issue, our modern culture simply does not encourage chastity, and refusing to be unchaste is often taken as rejection or lack of attraction instead of respect. So it is incredibly hard for many to wait.

My experience in general is that those who are raised in conservative Catholic communities and are chaste in their dating get married or at least betrothed relatively early. For them dating is relatively easy; they have a limited pool of spouses and so do their potential partners. These communities often inspire the kinds of relationships that will wait chastely through business/law/medical school so the wife can raise and home-school the kids.

Outside of those communities its rare to find virgins in their 20s or above. Those that are still virgins are likely not due to sincere religious convictions but due to social awkwardness, extreme physical unattractiveness, behavior disorders &c.

As for Christians in general, very few churches still teach traditional morality. And when you abandon the Catholic concept of mortal sin with permanent salvation there is no practical imperative to avoid any sins including premarital sex.

/r/Catholicism Thread