Never once in my adult life or as a child have I ever seen someone slip on a banana peel

I have.

When I was 5 years old, my mom, dad, baby brother and I went for family Christmas at my paternal grandparent's place, doubling as a celebration for my grandfather's (late) retirement. My dad's family didn't get together all that often, a larger family spread across 3 or more countries...

My dad and his brothers are, of course, drunk by lunchtime and being competitive dicks. It's what they do. A banana peel starts getting flung around, somebody called it "banana rugby" but really it's just 5 drunk guys throwing a peel at each other from their respective seats while calling each other names and reminding each other of all the stupid things they've done in their lives.

The peel gets thrown at my dad and falls under his chair where he can't quite reach it so he stands up, putting his heel down on the peel and slams into the floor breaking his leg. My uncles all find this hilarious and, being drunk themselves, are more hinderance than help, everyone telling everyone else to shut up and listen to them, and my grandparents were too elderly to really be of any assistance, nor do they really want to help as the silly bastard did it to himself. Likewise, my aunts are washing their hands of it. They're an independent kinda crowd. Selfish, some might say.

So my mom is the only person capable or even willing of helping my dad get to hospital. She has to take my brother, because she's breast feeding him still, and 5yo me is scared because dad is hurt and I don't want to be left alone without them (and I think my mom was aware that my jackass uncles were likely going to torment me if she wasn't there to police them). So we end up in the hospital for the rest of the day while they wait for my dad to sober up enough to treat him. Thanks dad.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread