I have never seen such egregious brainwashing and moronic self-righteousness in my life from the Left...

Oh, I recognize the current insanity. It's the same unhinged reaction that Damore's famous essay received. You're watching the last-ditch leftist response to excruciating cognitive dissonance.

When a person is ideologically possessed, he must see the world confirm his ideology. Normally, he can satisfy this requirement through specious reasoning or cherry-picking of facts, but occasionally, reality is so totally and incontrovertibly opposed to an ideologue's worldview that his ideology forces him to literally see something other than what's in front of the eyes. He might read the same document that you do, but he'll swear that it contains different words, and nothing will convince him otherwise.

This is the power of ideology. There's no hope for these people. They're under total control of the mind virus.

/r/The_Donald Thread