You Know, I Never Thought I'd Say It....

Why is the BoTB highly regarded by the same crowd that shit all over the BoW?

People nitpicked BoW to hell even going as far as studying military formations to crap on the episode.

Yet those people conveniently forget:

  • The forcefield around Jon while hundreds of horses are charging and smashing into each other
  • The giant going in to battle with no weapon
  • The giant doing basically nothing as they were surrounded and didn’t kick/stomp a whole but rather tried to pick up a solider here and there
  • An entire army of thousands shows up at the perfect time to save everyone
  • Jon, after fighting for a long time, almost dying from being trampled, can go 3 for 3 blocking an arrow traveling 150mph from 30, 20, 10 feet
  • Ramsay tried to load another arrow with Jon 4 feet from him instead of using his preferred weapon and pulling a knife
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