NEW - Reality is So Sexist.... Against women?

Bottom has been my career for going on 15 years. Never could get into structure, but wouldn't trade what I do for anything. It's tough, dirty, hard work. It breaks your body and puts you mentally on the edge a lot. Not uncommon to put in over 100 hours in a week on active detail.

It's a very rewarding career.

That said, there are some from the top picture who have infiltrated the bottom, who want all of the benefits and glory, but none of the work.

They're in it for the social media likes and attention a lot of times. There are some badass women who do it, though -I won't lie. I feel like it's one of the few remaining professions where you'll still get that. But they're unicorns, mostly.

You'll spot them pretty easily, by looking at their nomex. They'll come off detail looking like they just left the laundromat, while everyone else is so covered in soot/ash they'll be blowing it out of their noses for two weeks.

Most of that doesn't bother me. What does bother me, however, is how easy it is to get your coworkers killed when you're not pulling your weight, and keep a fucking smartphone shoved in your face all day.

Currently ranks in the category that's number one in workplace fatalities in the US.

You have to absolutely without question have your shit together. Anything less is a liability.

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