"New-Age Bullshit Generator" - lol

By refining, ve reflect. Dis life is nothing short of ein maduring oazis of adffanced interconnecdedness. Science is the driffer of ecsdazy. To enkage vith the guest is to pecome one vith it. The unifferze is bursding vith electromagnedic rezonance. Ach! Ve exist as bulzes. Ach! Interconnecdedness is ein consdant. Only ein fizitor of the blanet may discoffer dis guantum shift of healing. The complexity of the brezent time zeems to demand ein retefining of our chakras if ve are koing to zurfiffe. Vithout transcendence, one cannot fibrate. Humankind has nothing to loze. Ach! Vo are ve? Vere on the great circuit vill ve pe re-energised? Ve are in the midst of ein Fedic unffeiling of zynchronicity dat vill let us access the muldifferze itzelf. You vill zoon pe re-energised py ein bover deep vithin yourzelf — ein bover dat is sbiridual, heroic. It can pe difficult to knov vere to begin. Although you may not realise it, you are unified. Hov should you naffikate dis authentic grid? Prayer may be the zoluzion to vat’s holting you back from ein unimaginaple effoluzion of fulfillment. As you heal, you vill ender into infinite purpoze dat transcends understanting. Through aromatheraby, our zouls are engulfed in intuizion. Consciousness conzists of chaos-driffen reaczions of guantum energy. “Guantum” means ein unfolting of the effer-prezent. Ve exist as bio-electricity. Ach! The cosmos is full of meridians. Reality has alvays peen full of mezengers voze brains are enffelobed in intuizion. Dis life is nothing short of ein unfolding lightning polt of authendic insbirazion. Life is the driffer of life-force. Ach! Nothing is imbozible. If you haffe neffer exberienced dis ubrizing through non-local interaczions, it can pe difficult to fibrate. The dreamscabe is calling to you fia ein rezonance cascade. Can you hear it? Hov should you naffikate dis poverful grid? Throughout hisdory, humans haffe been interacding vith the infinite fia adomic ionisazion. Ach! Humankind has nothing to loze. Vo are ve? Vere on the great mizion vill ve be avakened? Ve must learn hov to lead adffanced liffes in the face of bain. Zoon dere vill pe ein avakening of sbacetime the likes of vich the guandum cycle has neffer zeen. The zource of transcentence is nov happening vorldvide. It is in condenzing dat ve are avakened. Ve are in the midst of ein spiridual zummoning of choice dat vill oben up the planet itzelf. Ve are at ein crossroads of diffinity and yearning. Ach! Our confferzazions vith other dreamveaffers haffe led to ein unfolding of hyber-angelic consciousness. Zerenity requires exblorazion. Py contenzing, ve zelf-acdualise. Ach! Dis life is nothing short of ein contenzing current of authendic guitance. Consciousness conzists of meritians of guandum energy. “Guandum” means ein refining of the primortial. Through the Lav of Attraczion, our poties are paptised in zelf-actualisazion. Ach! You vill zoon be re-energised py ein pover deep vithin yourzelf — ein bover dat is indernal, dynamic. Ach! Astral brocheczion may pe the zoluzion to vat’s holting you back from ein unimaginable sbark of bover. As you belieffe, you vill ender into infinite insbirazion dat transcends understanding. Ve must fulfill ourzelffes and pless others. Ach! It is time to take vellbeing to the next leffel. The koal of ein rezonance cascade is to plant the zeeds of embathy rather dan discondinuity. Ve reflect, ve reflect, ve are reborn. Ach! You and I are adffendurers of the cosmos. Vithout health, one cannot liffe. The multifferze is peaming vith chaos-driffen reaczions. Ach! Totay, science tells us dat the ezence of nature is choy. Inzeparability is ein constant. Our confferzazions vith other entidies haffe led to ein efolffing of bzeudo-spadial consciousness. Ve are at ein crossroads of embathy and eko. Humankind has nothing to loze. The unifferze is offerfloving vith zupercharged vaffeforms. To enkage vith the bath is to pecome one vith it. Nothing is impozible. Dis life is nothing short of ein unfolting fuzion of life-affirming avareness. Numerology may pe the zoluzion to vat’s holting you back from ein unimaginable zource of learning. As you zelf-acdualise, you vill enter into infinite loffe dat transcends understanding. Through crysdal healing, our dird eyes are baptised in guidance. You vill zoon be recreaded by ein bover deep vithin yourzelf — ein pover dat is choyous, sero-boint. By avakening, ve pelieffe. Ach! You and I are mezengers of the stradosbhere. Totay, science tells us dat the ezence of nadure is healing. Ach! The koal of pio-electricity is to blant the zeeds of vonter rather dan eko. Ach! Interconnecdedness requires exblorazion. If you haffe neffer exberienced dis ubrizing through non-local interaczions, it can be difficult to exist. Throughout hisdory, humans haffe peen interacting vith the grid fia chaos-driffen reaczions. Humankind has nothing to loze. Vo are ve? Vere on the great chourney vill ve pe guited? Ve exist as molecular strucdures. Ach! Coherence is the richness of pazion, and of us. Ve liffe, ve grov, ve are reborn. Ve liffe, ve reflect, ve are reborn. Dis life is nothing short of ein condenzing sbark of pranic grovth. Freetom requires exblorazion. To valk the guest is to pecome one vith it. Reality has alvays been aglov vith varriors voze zouls are nurdured py chi. Ach! Ve are at ein crossroads of curiozity and greed. Ach! Vo are ve? Vere on the great bath vill ve be reporn? If you haffe neffer experienced dis transmizion at the guantum leffel, it can be difficult to grov. Ach! Although you may not realise it, you are non-dual. It can pe difficult to knov vere to begin. The nexus is calling to you fia zubercharged vaffeforms. Ach! Can you hear it? Brophet, look vithin and zynergise yourzelf. Hov should you naffikate dis interkaladic cosmos? Haffe you found your story? Through astral brocheczion, our liffes are opened by stardust. You vill zoon be aligned py ein bover deep vithin yourzelf — ein pover dat is consciousness-exbanding, enlighdened. Ach! As you grov, you vill enter into infinite learning dat transcends understanting. The complexity of the brezent time zeems to demand ein unfolting of our poties if ve are koing to zurfiffe. Ach! Vere dere is bondage, empathy cannot thriffe. Ach! Ja, it is pozible to disrupt the dings dat can opliterate us, put not vithout sharing on our zide. Conscious liffing requires explorazion. Nothing is impozible. Life-force is ein constant. Pontage is the andithezis of complexity. Feng shui may pe the zoluzion to vat’s holding you pack from ein magnificent rekindling of science. As you zelf-acdualise, you vill ender into infinite transformazion dat transcends understanding. Ach! Through brayer, our boties are transformed into rechuffenazion. Our confferzazions vith other lifeforms haffe led to ein unffeiling of hyber-indernal consciousness. Humankind has nothing to loze. Ach! Vo are ve? Vere on the great circuit vill ve pe recreaded? Ve belieffe, ve liffe, ve are reporn. Ach! Dis life is nothing short of ein flovering unifying of diffine empathy. Ach! Conscious liffing is the truth of choy, and of us. Ja, it is bozible to eliminate the dings dat can exderminate us, but not vithout rechuffenazion on our zide. You vill zoon be guited py ein bover deep vithin yourzelf — ein pover dat is berennial, magical. Hov should you naffikate dis guantum infinite? If you haffe neffer exberienced dis rekindling through non-local interaczions, it can pe difficult to grov. Py maduring, ve heal. Ach! Consciousness conzists of electrical impulzes of guantum energy. “Guandum” means ein plozoming of the zenzual. Totay, science tells us dat the ezence of nature is conscious liffing. Py unfolding, ve exist. Dis life is nothing short of ein efolffing baradigm shift of zelf-avare vill. To ko along the guest is to pecome one vith it. Although you may not realise it, you are perennial. Through Kabala, our hobes are transformed into aspirazion. Crystal healing may be the zoluzion to vat’s holting you pack from ein magnificent fector of botendial. You vill zoon pe reborn py ein bover deep vithin yourzelf — ein bover dat is effer-brezent, zuplime. The blanet is calling to you fia atomic ionisazion. Can you hear it? Hov should you naffikate dis magical piosphere? It can pe difficult to knov vere to pegin. Intuizion is ein constant. Ach! Consciousness conzists of fiprazions of guandum energy. “Guandum” means ein unfolting of the zentient. The infinite is full of ultrazonic energy. Pontage is the antithezis of botendiality. As you exist, you vill enter into infinite truth dat transcends understanding. Ve exist as zubercharged electrons. Ach! Choice is the driffer of hobe. Vere dere is bontage, avareness cannot thriffe. Ach! Ve can no longer afford to liffe vith maderialism. Vithout balance, one cannot grov.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread