New Anti-Draw System

Speculative points are inherently not valid. You are literally saying "this will be better, you'll see!" when it hasn't even been out for a week. A couple of us have already highlighted the issues here. You are sitting here just saying its better because they changed something. Yes change is good, and no one has been doing it better than the blizz devs right now. Most of what they change, I agree with. This I can't. People love watching team fights that end in team kills. They love the occasional the team got to caught up with fighting and weren't on point. Now it is, all they have to do is push them off point and they win... immediately. That isn't fun. It will happen too often and will leave a lot of players feeling awful. Less draws is great but this wasn't the way to do it. It was way too aggressive. You basically have 100 tick marks for winning a highly defensive game. The tick mark system that was in place to help you gain progress to make it easier to cap the point was a very good system. They should have played more off of that and added one or two more tickmarks. The amount of work that needs to be done after a full hold now is nominal. It is incredibly easy to bait a team off point and win. It is easy to jump on point if they aren't on it. it is a empty feeling resolution to a game. Yet, you are super excited that your going to get easy wins in what I am guessing somewhere between silver and plat. Great, but you won't make it past diamond if you think that high ground and playing the choke isn't viable anymore. If you are in diamond or higher, have fun never holding first point.

Btw, your points, tell me I am missing your point one more time, and I am just going to back and and delete all of these comments. Simply because it isn't worth trying to convince you that this system isn't fun and that the regular strats are still viable.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent