New city, fresh start. Beginning 30/10/15

12/11/15 - Day 14 I've been thinking about how FB has changed. At some point in the last year or so it seems to have switched from a place where you just throw out a random thought or observation of something you've seen, to another method of approval and validation seeking. Like if it's not on FB it didn't happen. Got to chase those 'likes'! Going to the cinema!? Better check in so that people know. Two week vacation somewhere nice? Grab a cocktail and head to the beach? Fuck that, you need to find some wifi so you can show off to people back home. To quote Exit Ten: "There's no true holiday, if you never went away."

Now that I'm really thinking about it, the vast majority of the people who clogged my news feed aren't even really friends. They are acquaintances, who in Real Life I won't see or speak to for months at a time. It should be weird I'm seeing a picture for every day they are 'living it up' in Spain.

Even before I took up this challenge I'd started culling 'friends' on a daily basis. The vast majority f the people I just don't really give a fuck. And the interesting ones are invariably doing too many interesting things to bother with the place. I think the way forward is to ignore the newsfeed completely, and if I'm curious as to what someone is or has been up to, to make the conscious effort to go to their page and find out.
But the main point of giving it up was to kick the habit that in a quiet five minutes I'd be scrolling almost like a default subconscious action. I haven't really felt much of an urge. Only two weeks in too.

Other progress has been good. No porn hasn't been as hard as I thought. No pun intended. And I've stayed away from crap internet, although in it's stead I have been spending more time on TRP reddit than I usually do. I haven't missed any mediation either, and have added an additional two minutes this week. Cracking on straight after work rather than after the gym and a shower has helped with the consistency.

/r/nonothingnovember Thread