New DNA Blood Test can tell you every virus you've ever had, from among the 206 viruses known to infect humans.

Thanks for your comments. I hope you'll see the other post I just put up. The really long one. This actually all began after a course of postexposure prophylaxis. I've already run this theory by numerous doctors and been left out of the room. So I might as will say it again: they put me on AZT (and three other ARV's) which was originally intended as a chemotherapy treatment. It's well known to damage DNA function, as well as suppress bone marrow function which in turn suppresses the immune system.

A lot of theories have flown around about what happened to me, but one of them is the artificial suppression of my immune system by these medications, resulting in viral reactivation in mass quantities which overburdened the immune system. Another theory is that I actually did experience IRIS without pre-existing immune suppression. If you take a drug that suppresses the bone marrow, you are suppressing the immune system.

Another theory centers around the mysterious affect these drugs have on over strengthening the immune system. I believe it's Tenofovir that says right on the insert something like: "taking this medication for postexposure prophylaxis may result in changes in the way your immune system functions. These changes may take several weeks or months to show up". I would love to pick somebody's brain on exactly what they're referring to because it would probably explain a lot.

Doctors have tried to beat it into my head that none of this is possible because I did not have pre-existing immune suppression. I would like them to explain why I've been sick since the first day I popped those pills. Just for fun, Google: Edmond McNack AZT.

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