The new DOOM game promotes xenophobia.

Presently, Earth is embroiled in a war on Demons. As a result, much is being written about the “Demon scourge” and the terrible beliefs of the Demons. We have all read these condemning reports, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these reports is to foster hatred for Demons so as to strengthen our resolve to win the war the Demonic invasion. Win the war on Demonic Invasion? Stop and think about this for a moment. If you do, it should be clear that it is not possible to defeat the Demons by warring against them. To be sure, all warring against the Demons does is create more Demonic invasions. Then, how can we rid the world of the bad Demons? The first thing we must do is acknowledge that Demon’s are beings no different from us. As such, the vast majority of them are good beings and only a tiny minority are evil. Once this earth shaking realization sinks in, we must ask ourselves, what drives intelligent Demons into such desperation that they commit acts against innocent people? The answer to this question should be obvious. Demon evilism is driven by the wish to achieve justice for the Doom Slayer’s crimes against Demon kind.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse what is best described as a tremendous blunder on the part of the world community, because the Earth has existed for so long that many humans know of no other life. What then is the solution to world evilism? The answer to this question should also be obvious. The world community, which wrongfully created the Doom Slayer, must right this wrong by pressuring The Doom Slayer to drop his weapons and realize Demons come in peace.  

The Earth is fighting a war on evilism to help the Doom Slayer continue to discriminate against the Demons. Therefore, the war on bad Demons will never end because we, the citizens of Earth, have forgotten the principles upon which the human ideal rests

/r/unpopularopinion Thread